The Broome Aboriginal Media Association Aboriginal Corporation is registered under the Councils (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act of 2006. BAMA’s ICN is 914.

The BAMA Board consists of nine Directors, who are elected by the members of the organisation for four year terms on a rotational.

The Board meets quarterly for a Board Meeting to discuss strategic policy issues and economic opportunities for both BAMA and Goolarri Media Enterprises.

BAMA owns Goolarri Media Enterprises (GME) Pty Ltd (ACN 074 817 253) and has delegated all operational management of BAMA activities to GME.

The Directors of GME are Mr Michael Albert, Ms Dot West and Mr Bart Pigram.

Between them they have a strong record of management, public service and experience as leaders, managers and Directors in the private and public sectors, the Indigenous cultural and the media industries. The GME Board meets monthly.

BAMA Board:

  • Arnhem Hunter
  • Dianne Appleby
  • Kathy Watson
  • Kevin Puertollano
  • Michael Albert
  • Ricky Roe
  • Elizabeth Kada
  • Joe Albert
  • Junie Cattermole
  • Bart Pigram
  • Dot West



Broome Aboriginal Media Association, Goolarri Media Enterprises and Ramu Productions (the production company of BAMA) have been finalists and  winners in numerous regional, state and national awards for their  contribution to the community through media, health promotions, social marketing, training, events and overall service delivery to the community.


National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Awards
Deadly Sounds
‘The Mary G Show”


Ministers Awards for Excellence
Australian Apprenticeships
“Goolarri Media Enterprises”


West Australian Screen Awards
Outstanding Achievement in a TV Series
“The Mary G Show”

Tuduwali Award
Film and Video
“The Mary G Show”


Australian Institute of Management Training Excellence Awards
Small Business of the Year
“Goolarri Media Enterprises”


Ministers Awards for Excellence
Australian Apprenticeships
“Goolarri Media Enterprises”


Department of Health
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Awards
Health Promotion
“Catch and Cook”

Tuduwali Award
Contribution to Indigenous Media
Goolarri Media Enterprises – Dot West


Museums Australia
Partnership Award
Broome Historical Society and Goolarri Media Enterprises for joint production of 5 historical videos

Ministers Awards for Excellence
Australian Apprenticeships Runner Up
“Goolarri Media Enterprises”


Australian Video Producers Awards
TV Infomercial Winner
Goolarri Media Enterprises “Faces and Places”

Australian Video Producers Awards
TV Commercial under $10,000 Winner
Goolarri Media Enterprises “Drink Driving”


Australian Video Producers Awards
Short Film Winner
Goolarri Media Enterprises “Mungarri”

Australian Video Producers Awards
Documentary Winner
Goolarri Media Enterprises “Opening the Common Gate”

Ministers Awards for Excellence
Australian Apprenticeships Runner Up
“Goolarri Media Enterprises”
Overall Winner


Australian Video Producers Awards
TV Infomercial Winner
Goolarri Media Enterprises “Shame”

Australian Video Producers Awards
TV Commercial under $10,000 Winner
Goolarri Media Enterprises “Don’t be stupid – wear a seatbelt”


National Drug and Alcohol Awards
Excellence in Alcohol and other Drug Media Reporting
Goolarri Media Enterprises – AERF Campaign

Australia Video Producers Awards
Best Documentary Winner
“Talking Country 2” Series

Australian Video Producers Awards
Best Music Video Clip Winner
Naomi Pigram Band “Hurts to be me”

Australian Video Producers Awards
Best Special Event Winner
Kimberley Girl


Shire of Broome
“Active Citizenship Award”
Community Group

Australian Video Producers Awards
Best TVC over $10,000
“Simple Science” Indigenous Ear Health

Australian Video Producers Awards
Education and Training
“Children First”


Australian Video Producers Awards
Best overall commercial
FARE Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder “Women’s Project”

Regional Achievement and Community Awards
Service Award

Regional Achievement and Community Awards


Western Australian Screen Awards
Best short form – factual